1. we are a china purchasing office of a big trading company with headoffice based in south africa. <br>2. customers under our service are holding the world-famous wiskey brands such as chivas (uk), jack danienl (us), glenmorangie (uk), hennessey (france), etc. <br>3. our main job is dealing with china local suppliers and communicating with colleagues in headoffice. working scope includes the whole process from sourcing, enquiries & costings, samping making, po execution/quality control to shipment effecting.<br>4. qulified candidated will be rewarded with deserving package for his/her contribution.<br><br>1. 我们是一家国外大型贸易公司的中国采购代表处;<br>2. 我们的客户拥有的都是世界知名的酒类品牌如芝华士(chivas英国), 杰丹尼(jack daniels美国), 格兰杰(glenmorangie英国),轩尼诗(hennessey法国)等等,产品范围包括各种高档马口铁盒/罐, 纸盒, 木盒,pu皮盒,玻璃酒杯,酒瓶,各种酒吧用具和促销品, 电子促销产品等等.<br>3. 我们的工作主要是与总部同事密切沟通与合作,为客户在中国国内寻找货源, 询价报价, 打样跟单,质量控制,报关发货等;<br>4. 由于业务不断扩大,急需扩充精兵良将。有识之士一经录用,将享有良好的薪资报酬,福利待遇和学习机会.